Client Builderz

Using LinkedIn Strategically to Build Relationships and Enroll Clients

woman holding her hips while smiling
a man in a suit

LinkedIn Personality Profile Audit

If you’re wondering why your LinkedIn Profile lacks luster, this quick audit will provide both answers and solutions. Because your profile is your “sales” page, let’s make it sizzle!

Who you are attracting

In this 45-minute session, discover

  • What your LinkedIn photo says about you
  • Which personality style(s) your headline attracts
  • How your banner aligns with your style
  • What your “About” section reveals
  • Insider insights gained from your “Recommendations” section

Here’s how
it works:

  1. Schedule your time slot
  2. Complete the AlikeAbility Assessment
  3. Come to the session with your LinkedIn Profile uploaded and ready to be shared
  4. Make changes at the moment
  5. Review information and update as needed


  • Report about your AlikeAbility Style ($250 value)
  • Recording of the session (($50 value)
  • Specific words and phrases for your style (Priceless, $1000 value)

"I can’t wait to perform this LinkedIn Personality Profile Audit so you can make your LinkedIn Profile a prospect attraction magnet and Client Builder!"

To your sales success,
Nancy Zare, Ph.D.
Sales Whisperer and Author

“Information without application is useless.”
~ Dr. Nancy Zare