Converting Prospects Is Easy

For My Sales Success!

For My Sales Success is a group coaching program that enables you to:

  • Identify people’s personality or buying styles
  • Build rapport quickly and authentically
  • Communicate with confidence and power
  • Use the right words to put people at ease
  • Ask the best questions to test their readiness to work with you
  • And acquire more clients.

Gain These Skills and MORE!

  • Identify and read people’s personality or buying styles
  • Build rapport quickly and authentically
  • Communicate with confidence
  • Use the right words to put people at ease
  • Ask the right questions to test someone’s readiness to hire you
  • Attract and work effectively with your ideal clients
  • Know how to ask for the sale
"Nancy helps business people close the sale. Her knowledge of buying styles is a winning combination for her clients. "
Sheldon Prenovitz
"I have greatly benefited from her sales training program. It is easy to not only learn and remember but to apply as well.
Andrea L. Bates
"Dr Nancy is a sale coaching master. She develops different sale strategies for different personalities. I took her courses. And I strongly recommend it."
Ken Chen
I help entrepreneurs, and small business owners sell confidently and make more money.

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