Guaranteed 5 New Clients over the next 12 months!

Introducing From Prospects to Clients:
The Complete Approach to Building a Prosperous Professional Business

Nancy at a table in a consultation

What would it mean to you to add 5 NEW CLIENTS to your business?

  • More Income
  • Less Stress
  • Increased Self-Confidence
  • Greater Mastery
  • Larger Impact

From Prospects to Clients makes you this solemn pledge:
To teach you how to find, qualify, follow up, and close at least 5 clients in the next 12 months.

Drawing upon the principles of conversational soft selling and the psychology of how buyers buy, you gain the skills and mindset to turn prospects into clients and uplevel your business.

How does it work?

This year-long program is both complete and intensive.
Be prepared to invest several hours each week to get the results you so richly deserve.

We start by pinpointing your ideal prospects.

Then, we identify the best ways to find them.

Third, we craft compelling communication to attract them.

Next, we build and nurture relationships based on their personalities or buying styles.

Finally, you onboard them.

The result? 5 new clients – or more – over the next 12 months!

Your guarantee: We work together for 12 months or until you enroll at least 5 new clients.

Who is this for?

nancy with laptop

Who is this for?

Because this is a comprehensive program that we will undertake together, I can only work with a few individuals.
If you would like to be considered, please apply here.

About Nancy Zare, Ph.D. The Sales Whisperer

A certified sales trainer and educator, Nancy Zare, Ph.D. teaches service-based professionals how to get clients without being pushy and aggressive.

She earned her master’s and doctorate from Boston College and is a former professor of social work. She is the author of six books, including an Amazon international bestseller.

Nancy resides in South Florida, is a student of spirituality and recovery, and volunteers as a foster family for the Farm Dog Rescue.

Nancy with a foster dog
I help entrepreneurs, and small business owners sell confidently and make more money.

Contact Info