Dip into Reflection to Close More Sales

The buyer stood a couple of feet away from the exhibit table at the Farmers Market. Her eyes suggested that she was reading the sign posted above the salsas on display. Then again, she could have been eavesdropping on the conversation the woman vendor was having with another buyer.

Kyle approached her ready to say his usual opening line, “Would you like a sample of our natural, homemade salsas?” Instead, he handed her a flyer remarking, “Here’s a sheet that contains some recipes using our products.” She accepted the flyer and perused it steadily for a time. Then she politely thanked him and walked away.

Reflection about Seller

Kyle wondered as she departed whether he could have taken a different approach. Such a small sale hung in the balance, less than $10 per jar. Yet, his competitive nature hated to lose even one customer.

What cues signaled him to give her information rather than offer her a taste? Actually, it was convenience. Because his wife was standing over the open jars, it would have meant moving her aside so that he could access the samples. He was lazy and decided instead to give out the flyer that was easily in reach.

Reflection on Buyer

He continued to regard the departed buyer who was now engaged talking with another vendor two tables down. She was neatly dressed, wearing white jeans and an embroidered black top. A large white hat adorned her head with a stylish black ribbon around it. She wore brightly multi-colored wedge sandals with a relatively high heel. She smiled and was animated while exchanging conversation with the other person. She opened her red purse and took out her wallet to complete a transaction.

Some buyers come to learn; some to talk; others to experience; and those special ones to buy. How do you figure out buyers quickly so that each individual gets what they seek? How can you convert more of them into customers? A commonly held belief states that sales is a numbers game. However, by knowing the buyer’s decision-making style, you can learn how to get more “Yeses” rather than see prospects saunter away, only to do business with someone else.

The solution is to develop AlikeAbility™, the skill of raising the perception of being alike the prospect. By reading the buyer’s appearance, mannerisms, and vocal qualities, and matching her buying style, vendors know exactly what to say and do that opens the way to closing more sales.

About Dr. Nancy Zare

A retired professor and psychologist, Dr. Nancy Zare originated the AlikeAbility™ System to teach service-based professionals how to read buying styles and close more sales. She offers a complimentary video, “If the Shoe Fits” that helps you identify your prospect’s buying style from the shoes they wear. Contact her at nancy@RapportBuilderz.com to receive your copy by email.