Successful Selling Takes Responsibility

“I’m just an employee.”

“I’m just a representative.”

“I’m just the salesperson.”

Perhaps you’ve thought or said those words aloud, or heard them uttered by someone you know. Whatever the circumstances, the message is one of passivity and weakness. It conveys the idea that things are out of your control and not subject to your intervention.

Is Brandon to Blame?

Brandon is someone who speaks these words into existence. He believes that his work performance is regulated by company and management dictates. However skilled he is in his trade, he bows to another person’s definition of what the task is and how it should be done. He may complain behind-the-scenes to co-workers, colleagues, and family members about the limitations placed on him and the poor consequences that result. But he’s certain that the blame falls to those “above” who won’t let him do otherwise.

It’s an excuse.

It’s a story.

It’s a lie.

Is Brandon Responsible?

Brandon is responsible, although he doesn’t think so. He’s convinced that the training he received on how to make sales presentations restrains him from going outside the box. He follows the rules and says the “right” things. It’s not his fault that the sale went south. When his manager reviews his progress, Brandon can state confidently that he performed as he was supposed to.

Is this the sort of employee you want representing your brand?

Has the company set itself up for mediocre results?

What Should Management Do?

Asking sales people to think, use judgment, discern requires a different approach to training. Successful selling is more than product knowledge. It’s about building rapport and establishing long-term profitable relationships with customers. It’s about imbuing Brandon with a changed mindset that empowers him to own his work.

About Dr. Nancy Zare

A retired professor and psychologist, Dr. Nancy Zare originated the AlikeAbility™ System to teach business owners and sales professionals how to read buying styles and close more sales. Get her latest Kindle book, Closing More Sales, Introduction to AlikeAbility™ , Through the L.E.N.S. of Prospects. She offers a complimentary AlikeAbility™ Assessment that includes the strengths and challenges of your buying/selling style. Contact her at to receive your copy by email.