Give More to Make the Sale

Sally made a choice early in life, which has served her well as an adult. While still in high school she was told by her guidance counselor that her profile, academic performance, and interests fit several career paths including a doctor, lawyer, and accountant. At age 17 she reflected that she wanted to marry, raise children, and have an active personal life. Thus, she studied business and pursued graduate training in finance.

Give Personal Service

Now a CPA, Sally most enjoys interacting with her clients. She has cultivated a habit of checking with them 2-3 times a year, not just at tax season. By visiting them at work, she gains a better understanding of their business challenges and processes, which enables her to give them expert advice on their overall financial activities, which she provides free of charge. This low-key strategy also cements relationships so that her client retention rate is 98%.

To keep up with her credentials, Sally spends more than 100 hours in pursuit of continuing education. She thoroughly enjoys attending lectures by experts in the field. When she hears information that contradicts her usual practice, she immediately thinks that she has something to learn. So it surprises her when other audience members rebut the presenter and defend their practice.

Mentor the Next Generation

In keeping with her Nurturing personality style, Sally enjoys mentoring and training younger associates. She was pleased that over 300 colleagues attended a webinar she recently gave, which was a distillation from the national convention. At the same time, she was grateful that only 15 colleagues from her own location were physically present because she hates taking center stage and would have felt tongue-tied talking in front of such a large group.

Operate with Integrity

Sally is a woman of integrity. Although it is expected of her to network and bring in new business, she is candid in telling a prospect the “truth,” even if that means losing the person as a client. She may state that the current tax preparation is adequate and less costly than engaging her firm. Sally truly cares about people and seeks what is best for them, not for her self-interests. With this givers-gain mindset, her clients readily refer their family members and friends.

About Dr. Nancy Zare

A retired professor and psychologist, Dr. Nancy Zare originated the AlikeAbility™ System to teach business owners and professionals how to read buying styles and close more sales. She offers a complimentary AlikeAbility™ Assessment that includes the strengths and challenges of your buying/selling style. Contact her at to receive your copy by email.