Trust Builds Sale$

At the core of any sales situation is trust. How trust is acquired, however, changes with personality style. Not every person defines trust in the same way, nor does each individual grant it under similar conditions. If you understand how your prospect develops trust, you can position yourself to increase the likelihood of earning it more readily and thus close more sales.

Fast to Trust

At the core of Action buyers is trust in oneself, which allows them to decide quickly. They are early adapters and when offered an opportunity, they pursue it with vigor. Anything new or improved catches their fancy and they’ll line up for the latest model. They invest in prototypes. Eager to be first and enjoy a competitive advantage, Action buyers seek rewards in exchange for taking risk. With just one or two contacts, they make fast buying decisions.

Trust with Reassurance

Nurturers are not as fast in the decision-making process. They place their trust not so much in the product or service, but rather in the person promoting it. They assess the honesty and authenticity of the seller. Nurturers observe the seller over time. Is this person (or company) genuine and consistent? As a result, they need two or three contacts before they can make a buying decision. However, an additional contact within 24 hours of the sale is essential to seal the deal. Otherwise, Nurturers suffer from buyer’s remorse and are apt to regret or cancel the transaction.

Slow to Trust but Loyal

Blueprints award trust based on proof. Proof takes time to acquire and thus these buyers are slow to trust. Because they are risk-averse, they exercise extreme caution in acting and must read the fine print of any paperwork or supporting documentation. They need 5 to 7 contacts before they are ready to proceed. They often come to the sales presentation with a written list of specifications. Because Blueprints take good care of their possessions, once they bestow their trust, they can be counted on for brand loyalty.

Hold Fast to Decision

Knowledge buyers are skeptics. They trust their ability to reason and think. Their thirst for learning is paramount to other concerns. For them being a smart consumer means that they must know everything about the product or service. So they read, study, research, and question all the information available. They trust their intellectual ability to figure out the best choice. Until they are certain, they remain undecided. Analysis paralysis is an apt expression of how Knowledge buyers behave. Trust comes at a snail’s pace. Like Blueprints, Knowledge buyers stick with their decisions and once convinced are stubborn to change.

Understanding personality styles and how each develops trust allows sellers to formulate an overall, successful strategy. Be mindful of how it must be modified to suit each type and you’ll close more sales.

About Dr. Nancy Zare

A retired professor and psychologist, Dr. Nancy Zare originated the AlikeAbility™ System to teach business owners and sales professionals how to read buying styles and close more sales. She offers a complimentary AlikeAbility™ Assessment that includes the strengths and challenges of your buying/selling style. Contact her at to receive your analysis by email.