Sales Super Star

Beyond your wildest predictions, the sales numbers are in the stratosphere! You achieved a record-breaking quarter. How did you stimulate this performance within your sales team? Knowing the secret to increasing sales productivity gets you noticed and rewarded. Yes!

Personality Typing

It seemed so simple at first. You’ve studied personality typing before. Nothing new here. Yet, the results speak for themselves. What made the difference?

Many companies roll out training programs to teach their employees the concept of personality differences. There are acronyms, colors, shapes, animals, dimensions – you name it. Most participants enjoy the discovery of their own type. They are amused to contemplate how much or little they resemble the prototype. The problem: they stay stuck at this level of information, which seldom leads to change.

Platinum Rule

The key to success this time was applying the platinum rule – do unto others as they want done unto themselves. Unlike other training programs, the one you selected demonstrated how to identify the other person’s type and what to do to match it. Seeing the world from the prospect’s perspective and shifting into the prospect’s world enabled some of the struggling members of your sales team to change their approach. Along with the training was the follow-up. After all, information without application is useless.

It worked! Clearly the results speak for themselves.

Congratulations Super Star. What do you plan for an encore?

About Dr. Nancy Zare

A psychologist and retired professor, Dr. Nancy Zare has dedicated her life to helping people communicate more effectively. She earned her masters and doctorate from Boston College and is a published author and past president of the National Speakers Association of New England. She originated the AlikeAbility™ System to teach business owners and sales professionals how to read buying styles and get more business. Contact her at nancy@rapportbuilderz.local or call 508-981-2315. Let her turn sales training into edutainment.