Focused on Transaction, Not Relationship

I met Carole at an educational presentation. I was chatting with another attendee when she walked into the room and momentarily paused, looking around with uncertainty. Of the six people already gathered, we were all in pairs conversing with each other. Seeing her confusion, I immediately excused myself to my partner and welcomed the newcomer. She smiled and said that she was a member of the company sponsoring the event. We laughed, possibly because of the role reversal, namely that of my welcoming the host!

As the event concluded, we exchanged business cards and Carole informed me that she was one of the business development managers. I expressed interest in learning about the company. She replied that she would follow up shortly.

Two hours later, she called and immediately launched into a sales conversation. As I was in the middle of something, I said I would return her call when I finished. True to my word, before the day ended, I dialed her number and she answered.

Just like what happened earlier, she began a well-rehearsed, detailed sales routine. As I listened, I heard robotic phrases explaining her company’s mission and services. She reviewed their illustrious history from conception to present. The more she talked, the more I wanted to escape.

Although curious about this organization, I tuned out to background and statistics. Clearly she thought these were important features I needed to know before making a buying decision. Since I sensed that she was leading in that direction, I tried to conclude the call by stating my next step, to review the material and talk again. However, she insisted that I answer one last question. It was structured in such a way as to open another conversation about the company’s benefits all over again. I declined to answer and hung up.

I felt repelled by this experience. She missed my signals and reading my buying style. Can this situation be rectified?

As a sales professional or sales manager, you may have developed several quick theories about what went wrong.

• Carole failed to ask questions and qualify the prospect.
• She talked more than she listened.
• She never wavered from sales mode.

While each of these conclusions is correct, let me suggest another factor. Her selling style did not match my (the prospect’s) buying style. She was focused on conducting a transaction rather than building a relationship.

The AlikeAbility(TM) System provides the framework for shifting your words and approach to suit the buyer’s style. Result: you’ll acquire long-term relationships and close sales quicker and more easily.

Contact me today to learn how this System will help you.