With her father just having suffered a massive stroke that required long-term rehabilitation, Gwen was anxious to find a facility that met his needs. Quickly she did an on-line search and began calling nursing homes within an hour’s drive of her residence. Although life had spiraled out of control, now that she was armed with this system, she felt more comfortable. Her Stabilizing personality style was in full gear.
After a few calls, Gwen learned that she had to outline the situation in a sentence or two and get to the bottom line. Did the institution have a male bed and was it prepared to care for stroke patients? If the answer was “yes”, she could then ask other questions or make an appointment to see the facility. Not having sufficient time to absorb all the details added to her stress level, but circumstances dictated that she draw upon her Energizing personality style to get the job done. Being responsible (a characteristic of her primary style), she rapidly gathered information and took action. She made site visits.
Action First, Tea Second
At the second facility she viewed, the Director wasted no time in showing Gwen the available bedroom, rehabilitation center, dining space, and recreation areas. Noting how Gwen was dressed, her mannerisms and reactions, the Director then invited her to sit down, and have a cup of tea while showing her the list of the daily activities scheduled that month. She asked about Gwen and listened with compassion.
The Magical Questions
So when the Director asked: “Are things in order? Does this feel right”, she tested their rapport. Instantly Gwen relaxed and decided that this was the best place for her Dad. Shortly thereafter Gwen completed the necessary paperwork to have her father admitted.
In this brief narrative, you’ll notice that both Gwen and the nursing home Director shifted their personality styles as they related to the situation and one another. Only in retrospect did Gwen appreciate how skilled the Director had been in reading her style and acting accordingly. This is what earned the “sale.” Would you be equally adept?
About Dr. Nancy Zare
I’m Dr. Nancy Zare, sales psychologist, and I help my clients unlock sales conversations by reading and matching the appropriate personality style. This opens the way to closing more business. Ask for your complimentary copy of the Four Magical Questions that are guaranteed to build trust quickly and authentically so you can acquire more clients.