Adjust Your Style to Close Sales

Rebecca is a spark plug, not just in stature but also in the way she ignites an audience. She’s a fire first, aim later type of person. Not only is she always on the go, but she also surrounds herself with people just like her. Full of enthusiasm, she lights up a room and energizes listeners.

Despite her diminutive stature, Rebecca has started more companies by the age of 23 than most people have held jobs. Her first business when she was just 8 featured a neighborhood carnival that raised money for cancer research. In middle school, she developed an after-school tutorial program. Each year in high school she spun off a new venture. In college, her fertile mind conceived of more lucrative enterprises and, having just graduated, she is now engaged in generating funds for a mobile application.

Stylistic Challenges

Although Rebecca is highly competitive and won’t stop until she wins, her style carries some drawbacks that, if addressed, would enable her to achieve massive success more quickly. First, she’s a fast talker. Hailing from New York, she spits out information in a rush, which can put off some of her prospects. Since she targets conservative bankers and angel capitalists, who usually exhibit a slower thought process, she should aim to reign in her rate of speech. That will enable her prospects to feel more comfortable and at ease.

Recommended Adjustments

Along with speed, Rebecca has to practice listening. Undoubtedly, this is the hardest trait to acquire for someone like her who is used to having the “right” answer and blurting it out. She still practices this communication style with her team of millennials, and it serves them well. Her focus on the bottom line causes her to interrupt when she thinks she has the gist of the conversation and redirects to another aspect. When conversing with conservative people, however, it’s important to honor them by following the rules of good conversation. “You speak; then I speak. We take turns.”

Finally, Rebecca has to overcome certain stereotypes about her generation. She doesn’t think much of business attire, preferring jeans, hoodie, and flip-flops. The way she dresses creates a barrier for potential benefactors. While she doesn’t have to wear a suit, she might select slacks, a blouse, and closed-toes shoes. This slight shift builds rapport and makes it easier to do business with the baby boomers.

Her Success

How badly does she want the sale? By knowing your prospect’s buying style and matching it, you’ll build rapport, gain trust, and acquire more clients. Being as smart as she is, Rebecca is bound to learn these adjustments in style over time. Learning to raise AlikeAbility™ will short-cut this process and allow her to close more sales in the near future.