Know Your Buyer’s Style to Close More Sales

A sound marketing principle is to define your target audience and know precisely the demographics of your ideal prospects. In addition to gender, age, race, social status, and educational level, consider an overlooked factor – the individual’s personality type. People process information in 4 distinct ways. Having AlikeAbility™ allows you to match their decision-making style. Consequently, their comfort goes up, resistance drops, and an opening widens for doing business together. Your sales will increase when your language and behavior are paired to suit each type of buyer.

Your quickest decision-makers are those individuals who take action after one or two (1 or 2) contacts. They have high energy and stop at nothing until they achieve victory. A bit of a risk-taker, they tend to be impulsive, spontaneous, and image-conscious. Because of their insistence on results and knowing the bottom line, skip long-winded explanations. Bullet points work best. If possible arrange for them to do, touch or experience your product or service as it sharply raises the potential for a sale.

Second in line for making fast decisions are people who seek connection and need a minimum of three (3) contacts. Purchasing the product or service is secondary to forming a friendship. They are good conversationalists and very personable. In turn, they want to get to know the sales professional and create a bond. They talk easily about themselves and family. Very generous in spirit, they are captured by causes and appreciate doing business with companies that support charitable work. Spend 90% of the sales presentation in developing trust and they sign on the bottom line without a moment’s hesitation. Be warned, however. Unless you assure them that you care about them personally by re-contacting them within 24 hours after the transaction, they may cancel or be a no-show. You must cultivate the relationship over time to seal the deal.

The majority of buyers take five (5) or more contacts before making a decision. For them, it’s all about classic, traditional values. They require social proof that your product or service is the right one for the money. These people come prepared with a budget and a list of specifications. They want to read every detail to make sure things are in order. They think sequentially and respond best when the sales presentation is well organized and broken down into steps. Although they take a relatively long time to come to a conclusion, they exert tremendous brand loyalty and you can expect them to be a customer for life.

Last on the hierarchy of buyers are those people who take a deep nosedive into information. Chances are good that they have researched your product or service on the internet and have a host of questions. Their desire for knowledge is insatiable. Be prepared for a long decision-making process, seven (7) or more contacts. When they say, “Let me think about it”, this is a positive sign that they are engaged with the product or service. Should you interrupt, they have to begin their thought process again. Instead, they abruptly end the conversation without giving any reason. At the same time, these individuals can analyze without end. So set a deadline to keep things moving. Above all else, they want to make a “smart buy” and are indignant if they don’t have access to all the information available. They are readers so be sure to supply lots of books, articles, and websites to peruse.

Buyers are not pure types. In the initial conversation, they may seem friendly and pleasant. However, when decision-making time comes, their true style comes forth. Notice changes in speech patterns, language, and behavior so that you match their style and exude AlikeAbility™. This technique gives professional salespeople the edge in opening the way to closing more business.