man in blue shirt lying on bed reading a story to kids

Read Me a Story

“Tell me a story.”

When I was 4, I begged my father to read me a bedtime story.

In those days, few children’s books were available, especially in our household. So my Dad selected Gulliver’s Travels.

In my mind’s eye, I imagined Gulliver meeting new people, whose size and behaviors differed drastically from his. Despite these characteristics, they eventually got along and everyone “lived happily ever after.”

Little did I suspect that Gulliver’s Travels was preparing me to understand and appreciate the differences in personalities or buying styles.

Did you enjoy story time as a child?
As an adult?

Have you heard the expression: “Facts tell, stories sell?”

Quick tip.

The next time you’re in a sales conversation, tell a story.

Need help creating and telling stories? Ask me to recommend some great people who excel in this skill. Send me an email.